About Us
History of KDA
The Kenya Diaspora Alliance (KDA) traces its roots to the reform efforts dating back to the late 1990′s during which time the Diaspora became more actively involved in their home country affairs.
The Kenya Diaspora Alliance has always championed issues on behalf of Kenyans living abroad as a federation of many diaspora organizations. There has been a lot of pressure by the Kenyan Diaspora community to put the Governments’ of the day in check and apply pressure on said Government officials to understand that all Kenyans, regardless of their physical location, have inalienable rights to inclusion, representation and participation in national affairs. This is our goal and commitment.
A major achievement in our landscape was the development and launch of the Kenya Diaspora policy in 2014.
The Kenya Diaspora policy was developed in recognition of the urgent need to mainstream the Kenyan Diaspora into national development processes in line with the aspirations and goals of the Kenya Vision 2030 which recognizes Diaspora contributions as a critical component to the growth of our economy and also towards the achievement of our overarching vision of a globally competitive and prosperous Kenya by the year 2030.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (MOFA and IT) sought the inputs of Diaspora Associations such as KDA in the development of the Diaspora Policy.
KDA hopes for clarity in the institutional make-up for implementing the policy with the hope to include sufficient representation of the Diaspora.
KDA encourages all Diaspora Kenyans and their over 1,000 organizations to contribute to the building of progressive Diaspora programs that can ensure that the estimated 3 million diaspora Kenyans become part and parcel of the social, political, economic and cultural diaspora Kenya fabric of Kenya.